§ 10.44.020   Objectives.
   The objectives of the C-1 District are:
   (A)   The development of a limited range of commercial uses that cater to the daily needs of residents;
   (B)   The development of commercial buildings that are compatible with the aesthetic character and quality of residential neighborhoods:
      (1)   Attractive, tree-lined streets, which emphasize and encourage walking and bicycling as well as efficient automobile transit, to serve the commercial developments. In such neighborhoods, the sidewalk will be setback from the street, providing space for a tree-lined parking strip; and
      (2)   Commercial buildings designed in a manner which encourages human activity on the street, by placing main entrances facing the street, and reducing the dominance of parking facilities as a prominent visual street feature. Where possible, parking lots should be placed to the rear or to the side of buildings.
   (C)   To ensure that commercial buildings are designed in a manner which minimizes the impact to the adjacent residential development though sensitive design that considers the impacts of noise, traffic and lighting sources; and
   (D)   To minimize traffic congestion, while providing an efficient circulation system.
(1995 Code, § 10.44.020) (Ord. 00-1854, passed - -2000)