The following acts are prohibited and shall be considered an infraction, punishable by a fine as set by resolution and passed by the city council from time to time:
   A.   No person shall wilfully open any door or gate on any private premises or untether or coax away an animal for the purpose of enticing or enabling any animal to leave such private premises and be "at large", as defined in this chapter.
   B.   No person shall wilfully provoke, mistreat, or abuse any animal while confined to its custodian's premises.
   C.   No person shall set a "leg hold" type of trapping device to catch an animal.
   D.   No person shall abandon any animal by dropping off or leaving such animal on any public street, alley, sidewalk, or in any city park or playground or other public place or building, or on the premises of another. (Ord. 2000-08, 10-9-2000)