A.   The following acts are hereby declared to be public nuisances and shall be considered an infraction, punishable by a fine as set by resolution and passed by the city council from time to time:
      1.   Maintaining or keeping any animal or fowl in violation of any of the requirements of this chapter;
      2.   Allowing dead fowl or animal bodies (or portions thereof) to remain upon the ground or in stables or in the particular animal run longer than six (6) hours;
      3.   Burning any manure, or animal or fowl droppings and feathers within the city limits;
      4.   Allowing obnoxious odors to emanate from barns, manure piles or animal enclosures;
      5.   Keeping unsightly, smelly, dilapidated animal enclosures; and
      6.   Leaving solid excrement on public areas or on private property. If droppings are cleaned up immediately, the infraction shall not apply.
   B.   Nothing contained in this chapter shall be interpreted to constrain the right of any person to proceed with a civil action for damages and/or to abate any nuisance. (Ord. 2000-08, 10-9-2000)