It shall be unlawful to keep or maintain any animal which is of a species considered to be wild or undomesticated, including, but not limited to, the following: cougar/mountain lion, bear, skunk, raccoon, bobcat, eagle, hawks, alligators, python (6 feet and larger), rattlesnakes, copperhead snake, porcupine, elk, deer, wolverines, crocodile, panther, camel, ostrich, rhea, emu, owls, weasels (excluding ferrets), mink, badger, lynx, all foxes, coyote, wolf, water moccasin snake, coral snake, African lion, Bengal tiger, coatimundi, primate, buffalo or zebra, unless such animal is part of a bona fide circus or animal show licensed to perform in the state, or is otherwise licensed as provided in this chapter. (Ord. 2000-08, 10-9-2000)