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   No person may sell or permit the sale of tobacco products through a vending machine, except where the vending machine is placed in the following locations:
   (A)   Factories, businesses, offices, private clubs and other places not open to the general public;
   (B)   Places to which minors under 18 years of age are not permitted access;
   (C)   Places where alcoholic beverages are sold and consumed on the premises;
   (D)   Places where the vending machine is under the direct supervision of the owner of the establishment or an employee over 18 years of age. The sale of tobacco products from a vending machine under direct supervision of the owner or an employee of the establishment is considered a sale of tobacco products by that person. As used in this section, DIRECT SUPERVISION means that the owner or employee has an unimpeded line of sight to the vending machine; or
   (E)   Places where the vending machine can only be operated by the owner or an employee over age 18 either directly or through a remote control device if the device is inaccessible to all customers.
(1986 Code, § 15-122.5) (Ord. 1996-36, passed 11-4-1996)