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   (A)   Application for a license required by this chapter shall be made to the City Clerk. The application shall be made in writing, and shall be signed by the applicant, if an individual or a partner, or by a qualified individual; for this purpose a “qualified individual” shall be a duly authorized agent of a club, limited liability company or corporation. The application shall be made under oath. The application shall include the following information statements and exhibits:
      (1)   (a)   The name, age, citizenship, place of birth and if a naturalized citizen, the time and place of his or her naturalization and address of each of the following individuals:
            1.   The applicant, if an individual;
            2.   Each partner of a general partnership;
            3.   Each general partner and each owner of more than 5% of a limited partnership;
            4.   Each manager of a limited liability company and each member who owns more than 5% of a limited liability company; and
            5.   Each director and officer of a corporation and each shareholder of more than 5% of the voting shares of a corporation.
         (b)   For purposes of this section the term APPLICANT, as used below, shall refer to each of these individuals and to each partnership, limited partnership, club, limited liability company or corporation, as applicable.
      (2)   The present nature and character of the business of the applicant, and in the case of a limited partnership, limited liability company or corporation, the objects for which it was formed;
      (3)   The length of time that the applicant has been involved in business of that nature or character, and in the case of a limited partnership, limited liability company or a corporation, the date on which its character, articles of organization or articles of incorporation were issued;
      (4)   The amount of goods, wares and merchandise on hand at the time application is made;
      (5)   The location and description of the premises or place of business which is to be operated under the license;
      (6)   A statement as to whether the applicant has made similar application for a similar license on premises other than described in this application, and the disposition of that application;
      (7)   A statement that the applicant has never been convicted of a felony and is not disqualified to receive a license by reason of any matter or thing contained in this chapter, this code, other ordinances of the city, or laws of the state or federal government;
      (8)   Any information required by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner which may be necessary or convenient to assist the Commissioner to determine whether the applicant is qualified to receive a license pursuant to this chapter;
      (9)   A statement that the applicant has never been convicted of a felony or other disqualifying crime, and is not disqualified to receive a license by reason of any matter or thing contained in this chapter, this code, the other ordinances of this city or the laws of this state;
      (10)   Whether a previous license issued for alcoholic liquors by the state, any subdivision thereof, or the federal government has ever been revoked or suspended and the reasons therefor;
      (11)   A statement that the applicant will not violate the ordinances of the city, or the laws of Illinois or the United States in the conduct of the place of business; and
      (12)   A fully executed copy or photocopy of a lease on the premises in which the business is to be located. This lease shall be for the full term of the license. The lease shall be issued to the applicant.
   (B)   If any question on the application for a license or renewal of license is unanswered or answered incompletely, the omission shall cause the application to be voided and shall cause the Commissioner to reject that application.
   (C)   If, after a liquor license is issued or renewed, it is discovered that an application question was left unanswered or was incompletely answered, the Commissioner shall immediately notify the applicant and licensee of the omission. The applicant and licensee shall have five business days from receipt of this notice to supplement the application with a written and sworn affidavit. Failure to supplement the application within the specified period will result in immediate revocation of the liquor license.
   (D)   The applicant for the retail sale of alcoholic liquor has an affirmative and continuing requirement to update the original application. As a result, all applicants must inform the Commissioner of any changes in the information listed in the application within 30 days. Those changes which must be reported to the Commissioner, and which require the filing of a supplemental affidavit or sworn statement include but are not limited to the following:
      (1)   Any change in copartners, trustees, managers or authorized agents must be reported to the City Clerk and must include the name, residence address, sex, date of birth, social security number, position and percentage of ownership (if any) of any person not previously included in the original application;
      (2)   All internal changes in a corporation pertaining to change of name, officers, directors and stockholders directly or beneficially holding in the aggregate more than 5% of the corporate stock, and must include the name, residence address, sex, date of birth, social security number, position and percentage of ownership (if any) of any person not previously included in the original application;
      (3)   All new copartners, trustees, managers, authorized agents, officers, directors or stockholders directly or beneficially holding more than 5% of a corporation must satisfy all of the eligibility requirements of a liquor licensee as provided in this chapter; and
      (4)   Any change in the status of the premises to be licensed, including but not limited to changes in zoning classification or revocation of special use permit.
   (E)   Failure to comply with the requirements of this section or knowingly furnishing false information on the liquor license application shall be grounds for immediate suspension or revocation of any liquor license held by the applicant or licensee. This is in addition to any other sanction which may be ordered.
(1986 Code, § 4-26) (Ord. 1994-28, passed 9-19-1994)