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   Compliance with the following fire safety requirements shall be met and certified by the Fire Chief prior to any adult theater or adult mini-theater license being granted under this subchapter.
   (A)   Separate buildings. An adult theater or adult mini-theater shall be contained in a separate, self-enclosed building unless approved firewalls are constructed in accordance with the requirements of the City Building Code to completely insulate all portions of the adult theater or adult mini-theater building from fire hazards presented by a connecting structure. In no case shall an adult theater or adult mini-theater be located on the same premises as any retail or wholesale establishment where books, magazines, newspapers, or other inflammable materials are stored or exhibited for sale to the public, nor shall an adult theater, or adult mini-theater be located on the same premises as any apartment, residence, house, hotel, motel, motor court or other place used for human habitation, unless the firewalls required by this section are constructed.
   (B)   Smoking. Smoking shall be prohibited within any adult mini-theater or within the audience room of any adult theater. The prohibition on smoking shall be designated by the posting of not less than two signs within the lobby of the adult theater or adult mini-theater.
   (C)   Exits. Not less than three clearly marked outward-opening exits shall be provided from an adult theater or adult mini-theater. The exits shall be designated by an illuminated sign over each exit. The entrance to the adult theater or adult mini-theater may count as one exit. In any adult theater, two of the exits shall open directly from the audience room to the outside. All exits shall be unlocked and openable from the inside during all business hours.
   (D)   Fire extinguishers. Not less than three fire extinguishers of a type approved for commercial use within this state shall be required to be on the premises of an adult theater or adult mini-theater and in operable conditions at all times. No less than two of the required fire extinguishers shall be contained within the audience room of any adult theater. No less than one fire extinguisher shall be stored in the lobby of any adult theater or adult mini-theater. All fire extinguishers shall be stored at a height and in a manner which makes them readily accessible for use in the event of fire. The location of all fire extinguishers shall be designated by means of clearly illuminated signs. Fire extinguishers shall be maintained in operable condition at all times, and tags and/or certificates showing that a fire extinguisher has been tested and is in operable condition shall be attached to each fire extinguisher at all times. Each fire extinguisher shall be required to be drained and refilled every six months. Any certificate or tag attached to the fire extinguisher must designate the date on which the fire extinguisher was last filled and checked to ensure operability, and shall contain in legible form the name and address of the person or entity which filled and checked the fire extinguisher.
   (E)   Requirements of state law, Building Code. Nothing herein shall repeal any requirement of state law or the City Building Code as they shall relate to fire safety within structures comparable to an adult theater or adult mini-theater, and the provisions of state law and the City Building Code shall prevail over this chapter to the extent that they impose any requirement for fire safety in the structures more strict or restrictive than those imposed by this chapter.
(1986 Code, § 5-54) (Ord. 1985-17, passed 6-17-1985)