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   (A)   All bills payable by the city shall be approved by the City Council. The preferred practice shall be for bills to be submitted to the City Council for approval prior to their payment.
   (B)   Payment of the following types of bills may be made prior to their approval by the City Council:
      (1)   Salaries, including payroll contributions required by law, which have previously been established by the City Council;
      (2)   Refunds clearly owed by the city due to deposits made or overpayments;
      (3)   Postage, particularly to mail water and sewer bills;
      (4)   Items required to be paid by a certain date by state or federal law; and
      (5)   Emergency payments as deemed appropriate by the city officials described below.
   (C)   Each of the bills referred to above shall be authorized by at least two of the following city officials: Mayor, City Clerk, City Treasurer and City Administrator.
   (D)   Each of the bills which have been paid upon authority of city officials shall be presented to the City Council for its final approval and ratification.
(1986 Code, § 2-6) (Ord. 1993-24, passed 9-20-1993)