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   (A)   In order to assist the public in complying with this subchapter, the owner or person in control of any property which is held out to the public as a place for assemblage, the transaction of business, recreation or as a public way shall cause to be placed and maintained containers for the deposit of litter of sufficient volume and in sufficient numbers to meet the needs of the numbers of people customarily coming on or using the property.
   (B)   If no litter containers are placed on property held out to the public for the transaction of business, the owner or person in control of the property shall be fined $100 for violating division (A) of this section. If the owner or person in control of the property has placed litter containers on his or her property but the number or size of the containers has proved inadequate to meet the needs of the numbers of people coming on or using his or her property as indicated by the condition and appearance of that property, and the owners or person in control has failed to provide sufficient or adequate containers within ten days after being made aware of that fact by written notice from the police, he or she shall be fined $25 for each receptacle not so provided and maintained.
(1986 Code, § 11-85) (Ord. 1998-08, passed 4-20-1998)