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   It is the objective of this chapter to control soil erosion and sedimentation caused by development activities, including clearing, grading, stripping, excavating and filling of land, in the city. Measures taken to control soil erosion and off-site sediment runoff shall be adequate to assure that sediment is not transported from the site by a storm event of two-year, 24-hour event frequency or less. The following principles shall apply to all new development or redevelopment activities within the city and to the preparation of the submissions required under division § 156.049.
   (A)   Soil disturbance shall be conducted in such a manner as to minimize erosion. Areas of the development site that are not to be graded shall be protected from construction traffic or other disturbance until final seeding is performed. Soil stabilization measures shall consider the time of year, site conditions, and the use of temporary or permanent measures.
   (B)   Natural vegetation should be retained and protected wherever possible. Area immediately adjacent to natural watercourses should be left undisturbed wherever possible.
   (C)   Special precautions shall be taken to prevent damages resultant from any necessary development activity within or adjacent to any stream, lake, pond, sinkhole or wetland. Preventive measures shall reflect the sensitivity of these areas to erosion and sedimentation.
   (D)   The smallest practical area of land should be exposed for the shortest practical time during development.
   (E)   Sediment basins or traps, silt fences, filter barriers, diversions and any other appropriate sediment or runoff control measures shall be installed prior to site clearing and grading and maintained to remove sediment from runoff waters from land undergoing development.
   (F)   In the design of erosion control facilities and practices, aesthetic and the requirements of continuing maintenance should be considered.
   (G)   Provision shall be made to accommodate the increased runoff caused by changed soil and surface conditions during and after development. Drainage ways should be designed so that their final gradients and the resultant velocities and rates of discharge will not create additional erosion on-site or downstream.
   (H)   Permanent vegetation and structures should be installed as soon as practical during development.
   (I)   If a site is to be void of vegetation during the construction process for long periods of time, a temporary seeding and/or mulch shall be applied. The mulch shall be adequate to protect the site from sheet erosion until the temporary seeding is established.
   (J)   Those areas being converted from agricultural purposes to other land uses shall be vegetated with an appropriate protective cover prior to development.
   (K)   All waste generated as a result of site development activity shall be properly disposed of and shall be prevented from being carried off the site by either wind or water.
   (L)   All construction sites shall provide measures to prevent sediment from being tracked onto public or private roadways.
   (M)   All temporary soil erosion and sediment control practices shall be maintained to function as intended until they are no longer needed.
(Ord. 2017-03, passed 3-6-2017)