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   This chapter applies to all new development or redevelopment in the city. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, persons, the state and its agencies or political subdivisions, the United States of America and its agencies or political subdivisions, or any agent, servant, officer or employee of any of the foregoing which meets the following provisions, shall not commence any development activities without first having obtained development plan approval from the code enforcement officer of the city:
   (A)   Any new development or redevelopment containing an area 5,000 or more square feet of total impervious surface (i.e., streets, roof, patio or parking area or any combination thereof);
   (B)   Any land disturbing activity (i.e., clearing, grading, stripping, excavation, fill or any combination thereof) that affects an area of 10,000 or more square feet;
   (C)   Any development that results in change in the direction of stormwater runoff from a site;
   (D)   Any activity resulting in a wetland impact; and
   (E)   Any development that is located partially or completely in a regulatory floodway or floodplain.
(Ord. 2017-03, passed 3-6-2017)