(A)   Issuance of a special event permit does not obligate or require the town to provide town services, equipment, or personnel in support of an event.
   (B)   Town services, equipment, or personnel for commercial special events may be provided, based upon cost recovery.
   (C)   Cost recovery for noncommercial events may be waived only if the Town Council finds that a public purpose will be served. A public purpose is served if the following factors are met:
      (1)   The event is organized and conducted by a tax-exempt nonprofit organization which operates from or provides services within the town or the county;
      (2)   The event provides an identified benefit to the general public;
      (3)   The event includes participation by the general public (notwithstanding an admission or participation fee);
      (4)   Provision of town services will result in improved crowd or event control and general public safety and does not diminish or detract from the normal level of service for its citizens, based upon the evaluation, advice, and approval of the manager; and
      (5)   The Town Council moves to be a co-sponsor of the event.
(Prior Code, § 22-132) (Ord. 15-09, passed 6-11-2009)