(A)   The Town Manager may recommend that, in certain circumstances, the Town Council may issue a special event permit on behalf of the town.
   (B)   In all other cases, the Town Manager or his or her designee may approve the issuance of a special event permit when all of the following conditions are met.
      (1)   The event will not substantially interrupt public transportation or other vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the area of its route including, specifically, the displacement of vehicular parking into adjacent or neighboring commercial areas not part of the venue or into adjacent or neighboring residential areas.
      (2)   The event will not cause a conflict with construction or development in the public right-of-way or at a public facility.
      (3)   The event will not block traffic lanes or close streets during peak commute hours on weekdays or weekends, as determined by the Chief of Police.
      (4)   The event will not require the diversion of a great number of police, fire, and rescue employees from their normal duties, thereby preventing reasonable police protection to the remainder of the town.
      (5)   The concentration of persons, animals, or vehicles will not unduly interfere with the movement of police, fire, ambulance, and other emergency vehicles on the streets.
      (6)   The event will move from its assembly location to its disbanding location expeditiously and without stopping en route.
      (7)   The event will not substantially interfere with any other special event or demonstration for which a permit has already been granted or with the provision of town services in support of other scheduled events or unscheduled governmental functions.
      (8)   The event will not have unmitigable adverse impact upon residential or business access and traffic circulation in the area.
      (9)   If the event is a marathon, it will not occur within 30 calendar days of another marathon.
   (C)   To make the determination under this section, the Town Manager or designee shall consider pedestrian and traffic circulation and parking, traffic volume, population density, time of year, and neighboring or adjacent zoning uses.
(Prior Code, § 22-139) (Ord. 15-09, passed 6-11-2009)