(a) No parking shall be permitted at any time on the following streets. The City is authorized to mark said areas prohibiting parking using appropriate signs setting forth the prohibition.
Blairfield P. In Shiloh Glen Both 5-81
Brookhaven Dr. From Stubbs Dr. at the South 309
first intersection south
of E. Trotwood Blvd. east
a distance of 160 feet
E. Main St. From Broadway to Wolf- South 1-85
creek Pk.
E. Main St. 164 feet from Broadway east South 297
E. Main St. From Coffman Ave. east- Both 338
wardly to Olive Rd.
E. Worley Ave. From N. Broadway To Coffman North
Fairgrove Way Intersection of Fairgrove 9-88
Way to the western terminus
of Horrell Rd.
Grecian Ave. From Trudy Ave. southeast- Southeast 347
wardly a distance of 195
Main St. From N. Broadway east a North 351
distance of 400 feet
Maple St. Beginning at the alley East 2-82
northbound to dead-end of
Maple St.
N. Broadway From West Main St. north- West
wardly a distance of 395
feet to the street servicing
Trotwood Trailers
N. Broadway From Sunrise Ave. to Sherry West 16-86,
Dr. 20-86
S. Olive Rd. Between Wolfcreek Pk. and Both 12-67
E. Main St.
S. Broadway From Trotwood Blvd. north East 9-67
175 feet
Stubbs Dr. From E. Trotwood Blvd. East
south 285 feet to Brookhaven
Stubbs Dr. From north intersection of North 9-90
Trotwood Blvd., and
Stubbs Dr. 650 feet east
on Stubbs Dr.
Sunrise Ave. From E. Main St. to E. East
Trotwood Blvd. From the corner of Stubbs North 7-88
Dr. westward 200 feet
Trudy Ave. From Sparks to Hillgard North 351
(Grecian Ave.)
W. Main St. From Broadway to Perry North
W. Main St. From the intersection of Both 16-83
Broadway and W. Main St.
to the corporation limits
of the City except those
areas specifically designated
as protected parking bays
Unnamed street Running east off S. Both 335
Broadway to the Trotwood
Madison Football field, this
street being located a
distance of 160 feet north
of the intersection of
Strader Dr. and S. Broadway
Woodcreek Dr. From the intersection of Both 1-82
Salem Bend Dr. and Wood-
Creek Dr.
(b) Bikeway established no parking shall be permitted at any time on the following streets: The City is authorized to mark said areas prohibiting parking and designating the bikeways and walkways using appropriate signs setting forth the prohibition.
Wolf Creek Pk. From the intersection South 17-88
of George St. to Main
Sycamore Woods Blvd. East and south side of East 10-88
Sycamore Woods Blvd. South 17-88
from Shiloh Springs Rd.
to Snyder Rd.
Brookston Dr. The east and north East and 17-88
sides from Sycamore North
Woods Blvd. to Snyder Rd.
Colewood St. The east side from East 17-88
Brookston Dr. to Palos
Verdes Ct.
Council hereby establishes a sidewalk and bikeway on the south side of Wolf Creek from the intersection of George St. to East Main St. for pedestrian traffic and for the movement and transportation of bicycle traffic.
(1987 Code Ch. 80, Sch. I)