(a)   Automatic traffic-control signals shall be installed at the following locations for the purpose of regulating and controlling traffic.
E. Main St. and Wolfcreek   One-way,   East
Pk. on the northeast   three phase
corner of E. Main St.
E. Main St. and Wolfcreek   One-way,   Southeast-
Pk. on the northeast   three phase   wardly
corner of Wolfcreek Pk.
E. Main St. and Wolfcreek   One way,   West   324
Pk. on the southwest   three phase
corner of E. Main St.
E. Main St. (Free Pk.) and   Four-way,      318
Olive Rd.   three phase
E. Main St. and Stuckhardt         15-71
Rd. where they intersect
with the driveway to E.
Main Center parking lot
Main St. and Broadway.   Four-way,
This signal shall be   three phase
synchronized with the
Pennsylvania Railroad red
flasher signals.
Olive Rd. and Wolfcreek Pk.         15-73
Shiloh Springs Rd. and
State Route 49
Shiloh Springs Rd. and   Four-way,      32-78
N. Olive Rd.   three phase
South of the Pennsylvania   One-way,
Railroad crossing on   three phase
Broadway. This signal
shall be synchronized
with the Pennsylvania
Railroad red flasher
Trotwood Blvd. and S.         11-67
Broadway (Union Rd.)
West of the Pennsylvania   One-way,
Railroad crossing on Main   three phase
St. This signal shall be
synchronized with the
Pennsylvania Railroad red
flasher signals.
W. Main St. and Maple St.,
in order to obtain right-
of-way for authorized
emergency vehicles from the
Trotwood Rescue Service
housing those emergency
Where E. Main St. intersects         1-70
the main private driveway to
the Elder-Beerman Shopping
Where Salem Bend Dr.         21-72
intersects Route 49
Where State Route 49 inter-         18-72
sects the main private driveway
to the El-Bee Furniture Showroom
and Warehouse at 5370 Salem Ave.
S. Olive Rd.   Automatic traffic   North &   5-89
at the intersection   control signal   south on S.
of Trotwood Blvd.      Olive Rd. &
         east on Trotwood
   (b)   The installation of the emergency automatic traffic-control signal device shall comply with requirements by the state, including a legible sign bearing the legend "Emergency Signal" visible from each street approach.
(1987 Code Ch. 79, Sch. II)