931.04.10 APPEALS.
   The City Manager shall hear and decide upon appeals where it is alleged there is an error in any written decision made by the City Engineer or designee in the enforcement of this Code.
   (a)    A complete written appeal shall be filed by the appellant within ten days of the written decision of the City Engineer or designee or the appeal shall become void. The appeal shall be filed with the City Manager. The written appeal shall:
      (1)    Cite specific provisions of this chapter that are alleged to have been interpreted in error or the specific action being appealed and the grounds on which the appeal is being made;
      (2)    Include any required application fee in an amount set by the City’s Fee Ordinance.
      (3)    Include such other information as may be required to render a reasonable decision;
      (4)    A statement as to why the appellant has standing as an aggrieved party to pursue the appeal.
   (b)    The City Manager shall then review the matter and after affording the Applicant an opportunity to be heard, either in writing or in person, and render their decision. Except to the extent otherwise appealable by law, the City Manager’s decision shall be final.
      (Ord. 26-18. Passed 11-5-18.)