(a)   Any person seeking approval of a development proposal shall:
      (1)   Provide mapped information about the location and vicinity of the area proposed for development, and
      (2)   Furnish three types of information and maps about the proposed land development and site location:
         A.   An existing characteristics inventory;
         B.   A predevelopment conditions assessment; and
         C.   An abatement control plan.
   Minor additions to existing facilities may be exempted from this requirement by the City Engineer.
   (b)   Specifically, all proposed land developments shall have plans or maps of an appropriate scale that depict existing and proposed improvements, including, but not limited to:
      (1)   Structures, streets, sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, storm drainage systems and appurtenances, utilities, poles, etc., and
      (2)   Elevations, contour lines, inverts of sewers and drainage facilities, etc.
      (3)   Location of the boundary of the 100-year floodplain.
   (c)   Abatement Control Plan Content Requirements:
      (1)   A Runoff Control and Sediment Abatement Plan shall identify how accelerated surface water runoff, increased erosion and sediment deposition induced by site development are to be controlled to within the abatement standards of Sections 1371.03 and 1371.05. The developer’s engineer shall include in the construction plans a master drainage map showing all existing and proposed features. The map is to be prepared on a 24-inch by 36-inch sheet on a scale not to exceed 1” = 100’. Listed below are the features that are to be included on the drainage map:
         A.   Drainage boundaries, including all areas draining to be proposed subdivision or development.
         B.   Sufficient topographical information in USGS with elevations to verify the location of all ridges, streams, etc.
         C.   Highwater data on existing structures upstream and downstream for the subdivision.
         D.   Notes indicating sources of highwater data.
         E.   Notes pertaining to existing standing water, areas of heavy seepage, springs, wetlands, streams, etc.
         F.   Existing drainage features (ditches, roadways, ponds, etc.). Existing drainage features are to be shown a minimum of 1,000 feet downstream of the proposed development unless the ultimate outfall system is a lesser distance.
         G.   Subdivision layouts with horizontal and vertical controls, show proposed structures with minimum pad elevations.
         H.   Proposed drainage features, including locations of inlets, swales, open drainageways, ponding areas, storm sewer, culverts, etc.
         I.   Delineation of drainage sub-areas.
         J.   Retention / detention areas shown and ingress / egress areas for retention / detention facilities.
         K.   General type of soils (obtain from soil survey of Montgomery County).
         L.   10-, 25-, and 100-year flood elevations for any areas in or within 100 feet of the property. The source of these elevations shall also be shown on the plans.
         M.   Description of current ground cover and/or land use.
      (2)   All proposed drainage features and runoff controls are to be designed in accordance with methods and techniques set forth (in the SCS texts cited in Sections 1371.03 and 1371.05 or others approved by the City) in the City’s Design Manual.
      (3)   A Runoff Control and Sediment Abatement Plan shall be comprised of, but not limited to, the following information:
         A.   A map rendered on the base which indicates the number, types, dimensions, and locations of all runoff, erosion or sediment control devices to be utilized either temporarily or permanently on a development site,
         B.   All pertinent computations made to arrive at the final dimensions of each control device shall be presented along with plan and section view drawings of the same rendered at an appropriate design scale to be agreed upon between the applicant and the City Engineer, and
         C.   Schedules detailing the timing for the installation and maintenance of each control device.
      (4)   Plan Preparation by Professional Engineer. The Drainage and Runoff Control Plan shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of a Registered Civil Engineer.
         (Ord. 26-03. Passed 11-17-03.)