(a)   The City may allow or require surface water runoff to be discharged into drainage facilities off the site of development if each of the following conditions are met:
      (1)   The drainage facilities are constructed and maintained in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
      (2)   Adequate provision is made for acquisition, construction and operating costs of the off-site drainage facilities.
      (3)   A request to use these drainage facilities and all information related to these proposed drainage facilities should be made a part of the developer’s application.
   (b)   The City may allow or require payment of a fee for redevelopment activities in lieu of constructing a detention or retention facility as specified in Section 1371.03. Payment received in lieu of redevelopment detention or retention shall be used for stormwater improvement projects, including the establishment of regional detention systems. The fee shall be based on an amount per square foot of impervious surface (on-site).
   (c)   Whenever deemed practical, necessary and in the public interest, the City may acquire land and construct these drainage facilities, and to the greatest extent possible, the fees and charges for such facilities be sufficient to cover all costs associated therewith, and that such facilities be self-supporting.
(Ord. 26-03. Passed 11-17-03.)