(a)   Where, by reason of the exceptional narrowness, shallowness or unusual shape of a parcel of property, or by reason of exceptional topographic conditions, or other extraordinary situation or condition of such parcel of property, or of the use or development of property immediately adjoining the parcel of property in question, the literal enforcement of the requirements of this Zoning Ordinance would involve practical difficulties that would unnecessarily deprive the owner of the reasonable use of the land or buildings involved, the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be granted the authority to authorize a variance.
   (b)   In no case shall a variance be granted to permit a use other than a use permitted in the district in which the property in question is situated.
   (c)   Neither personal, nor family, nor financial difficulties, nor the loss of prospective profits nor the existence of neighboring violations shall constitute justification for a variance.
   (d)   In no case shall a variance be granted when it would be injurious to either immediately adjacent property or the surrounding neighborhood.
   (e)   No nonconforming use of neighboring lands, structures or buildings in the same district and no permitted use of lands, structures or buildings in other districts shall be considered grounds for the issuance of a variance.
(Ord. 45-08. Passed 12-15-08.)