(a)    The Storm Drainage Service Charge shall be paid by the owner of each lot or parcel which is subject to this charge. Owners of lots or parcels subject to the Storm Drainage Service Charge who are also customers of the City's water system shall, at the City's option, pay the Storm Drainage Service Charge on a monthly basis in the manner and in accordance with any regulations established pursuant to Section 929.11 hereof. Any owner of a lot or parcel which is subject to the Storm Drainage Service Charge who is not a City water customer shall pay the Storm Drainage Service Charge annually in the manner and according to any regulations established pursuant to Section 929.11 hereof. The City shall use its best efforts to cause bills for the service charges to be delivered to each owner or designee on a monthly or annual basis, as applicable, however, the failure of the City to deliver such a bill to an owner or his designee shall not be cause for non-payment. The Storm Drainage Service Charge is a continuous charge for all improved properties subject to the charge, whether occupied or vacant. The owner of the Property or Properties is responsible for payment of all service charges whether incurred under his ownership or previously. Statements may be mailed to another designated person upon the written agreement of the City and the owner, such as a tenant or agent; however, the owner is ultimately responsible for payment.
   (b)    Bills are payable on or before the "due date" printed on the bill. Any amount not paid by the due date shall be considered delinquent and subject to a "late payment penalty" of five percent (5%) of the current charges. When a bill or part thereof is delinquent for thirty (30) days, a Notice shall be sent to the owner advising of the delinquency. If a bill remains delinquent for sixty (60) days, the City shall certify to the County Auditor all charges for Stormwater services which are delinquent for payment. Such amounts, including County collection fees shall be entered upon the tax duplicate of the Property involved and shall be a lien upon such land from and after the date of the entry, to be collected with other taxes and returned to the City.
(Ord. 35-05. Passed 9-19-05.)