(a)   Any person engaged in or employing others in excavating or opening any street, sidewalk, alley or other public way, shall have that excavation or opening fully barricaded at all times to prevent injury to persons or animals.
   (b)   The permittee, in the course of doing the work, shall place and maintain standard signs and barricades whenever necessary to protect the public against accidents and shall place and maintain during the time of darkness, sufficient nonextinguishable lights as will effectively warn and safeguard the public against accidents. Traffic control devices shall conform to the Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. All such devices shall be furnished by the permittee.
      (1)   All protection and control devices within the areas of work shall be for the protection of the public. The area of work shall be considered any area in which work is in such a stage that safe travel of the public is affected.
      (2)   The occurrence of any accident involving public use of the streets or sidewalks while the permittee has work under progress where the person involved was operating a vehicle in a prudent manner shall be considered evidence of insufficient protection as herein prescribed.
      (3)   The permittee, as far as practical, shall keep the streets and grounds free of equipment, new material, rubbish, evacuated material and debris during the progress of any work required.
      (4)   Temporary crossings shall be provided and maintained by the permittee for vehicular and pedestrian traffic during the construction of an improvement, including temporary roadways for the use of the public, fire, schools and hospitals, and including temporary roadways for the use of police, fire, schools, hospitals and driveways in use and alley returns. Such crossings and temporary roadways shall be provided at locations to such widths and lengths as directed by the City Engineer.
         (1987 Code 53.18)