(A)   It shall be prima facie evidence that this subchapter applies to a person if that person's record appears on the Database and the Database indicates that the victim was less than 17 years of age.
   (B)   For the purposes of determining the minimum distance separation, the distance shall be measured by following a straight line from the outer property line of the permanent or temporary residence to the nearest property line of the premises where children commonly gather. Provided that, in the case of multiple residences on one property, measurement shall be from the nearest wall of the building or structure occupied or the parking/driveway, whichever is closer, following a straight line to the nearest property line of the premises where children commonly gather.
   (C)   In cases of a dispute over measured distances, it shall be incumbent upon the person challenging the measurement to prove otherwise.
   (D)   A map depicting the 1,000 foot child safety zones shall be maintained by the city and is attached as Exhibit A to Ordinance 2014-005 and incorporated herein by reference. The Chief of Police or designee shall review, update or modify the map as deemed necessary. The map will be available to the public at the Trinidad Police Department.
(Ord. 2014-005, passed 8-19-2014)