Any person desiring to use or maintain any property within the city for any of the purposes mentioned in § 111.01 shall make written application to the City Secretary for a license, which application shall set forth the name and address of the applicant and a legal description of the property or premises upon which the business is to be conducted. The application shall include a legal description of the land on which the use is proposed, the plans and specifications for the fence and screening materials, the location and plans for each entrance into the property, the specific types of vehicles, metals or materials to be salvaged and/or stored on the property, and the uses of all property within 200 feet of the property for which the license is requested. The City Secretary shall grant such application only if the application is approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and shows full compliance with the requirements of this chapter, and all other local, state and federal laws and regulations. If the application is granted, a license to operate the business shall be issued by the City Secretary upon payment of a fee of $5 per annum. Any license so issued shall expire on January 1 of the year next succeeding the date of its issuance, but may be issued form year to year in the same manner as provided for in the original license.
(Ord. 980811, passed 8-11-1998)