Section 4.02. Drainage Improvements.
   (a)   Purpose. The drainage improvement provisions contained herein are deemed necessary for the following reasons:
      (1)   Waterways and their associated watersheds within the City's territorial jurisdiction represent significant and irreplaceable recreational and aesthetic resources and contribute directly to the City's public health.
      (2)   The continued economic growth of the City is dependent on an adequate quality and quantity of stormwater runoff, a pleasing natural environment, recreational opportunities in close proximity to the City as well as the protection of people and property from the hazards of flooding.
      (3)   All watersheds within the City's jurisdiction, and especially those with abrupt topography, sparse vegetation, and thin and easily disturbed soil, are vulnerable to flooding due to unregulated development activities.
      (4)   All watersheds within the City's jurisdiction are undergoing development or are facing development pressure.
      (5)   If watersheds within the City's Jurisdiction are not developed in a sensitive and innovative manner, their water resources, natural environment, and recreational characteristics may be irreparably damaged.
      (6)   The City should regulate all drainage within the City's jurisdiction for the public benefit and safety, including both the existing and future generations of citizens of the City, as well as for downstream users of the each waterway within the City's territorial jurisdiction.
   (b)   Policy.
      (1)   The Commission shall not recommend approval or approve any plat or plan which does not meet the minimum requirements of this Ordinance in making adequate provisions for control of the quantity of stormwater runoff to protect the public health, safety and property, and benefit the present and future owners of property within the development, other lands within the City and neighboring areas.
      (2)   It shall be the responsibility of the developer to design and construct a system for the collection and transport of all stormwater runoff flowing into, and generated within the development, in accordance with:
         (i)   The requirements of this Ordinance.
         (ii)   Good engineering practices.
         (iii)   Approved engineering plans for construction.
         (iv)   The regulations and principles of law established pursuant to the Texas Water Code.
      (4)   In general, drainage improvements shall be designed and constructed in a manner which promotes the development of a network of both natural and built drainageways throughout the community and so as to:
         (i)   Retain natural floodplains in a condition that minimizes interference with floodwater conveyance, floodwater storage, aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and ground and surface water.
         (ii)   Reduce exposure of people and property to the flood hazards and the nuisances associated with inadequate control of stormwater runoff.
         (iii)   Systematically reduce the existing level of flood damages.
         (iv)   Ensure that corrective works are consistent with the overall goals of the City.
         (v)   Minimize erosion and sedimentation problems and enhance water quality.
         (vi)   Protect environmental quality, social well-being and economic stability.
         (vii)   Plan for both the large flooding events and the smaller, more frequent flooding events by providing both major and minor drainage systems.
         (viii)   Minimize future operational and maintenance expenses.
         (ix)   Reduce exposure of public investment in utilities, streets and other public facilities (infrastructure).
         (x)   Minimize the need for rescue and relief efforts associated with flooding and generally undertaken at the expense of the public.
         (xi)   Acquire and maintain a combination of recreational and open space systems utilizing floodplain lands.
(Ord. 2022-002, passed 4-19-2022)