(a)   Rules of Construction. For the purpose of this Exterior Property Maintenance Code, certain words and terms shall be interpreted as follows:
      (1)   Words used in the singular shall include the plural, and the plural shall include the singular;
      (2)   Words used in the present tense shall include the future tense;
      (3)   Words in the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter genders;
      (4)   The word "shall" is mandatory and not discretionary;
      (5)   The word "may" is permissive;
      (6)   The phrase "used for" shall include the phrases "arranged for," "designed for," "intended for," "maintained for" and "occupied for."
      (7)   The word "person" includes a firm, association, organization, partnership, trust, company or corporation as well as an individual; and
      (8)   The word "dwelling" includes the word "residence."
   (b)   Definitions. All words and terms used in this Exterior Property Maintenance Code shall have their customary meanings, except those specifically defined in this subsection:
      (1)   "Building Code" means the Trenton Building and Housing Code and the most current edition of the Ohio Basic Building Code, the BOCA National Building Code, the BOCA National Mechanical Code or such other code as may be officially designated by the City for the regulation of construction, alteration, addition, repair, removal, demolition, use, location, occupancy and maintenance of all buildings and structures.
      (2)   "Exterior property areas" means the open space on any premises and on adjoining property under the control of owners or operators of such premises.
(Ord. 1-95. Passed 1-5-95.)