(a) Cook stoves and ranges include all devices used for the preparation of food and similar purposes.
(b) Ranges and stoves not supported by legs shall rest on incombustible floors or shall have floor shields. Ranges that are supported by legs and have no ash pan or burners nearer than one foot to the floor may rest directly on a combustible floor if the burners are separated from the floor by sheet metal.
(c) Floor-mounted heating and cooking appliances which are approved specifically for installation on a combustible floor may be mounted in accordance with the conditions of such approval.
(d) Where any coal stove or range is placed nearer than twelve inches to any combustible partition or wall, such wall shall be protected by a shield.
(e) All stoves using oil, kerosene or gasoline, as may be permitted by the Building Inspector, shall be of an approved closed type, constructed in such a manner that no fume products of combustion or unburned gas can escape into the building. Such stoves shall comply with all the provisions of the Building Code pertaining thereto.
(Ord. 555. Passed 2-19-53.)