(a)   Upon completion of the guaranteed improvements, the subdivider shall notify the Planning. and Zoning Administrator in writing, and request a final inspection of the improvements. The request shall identify the improvements to be inspected with specificity and provide as-built drawings identifying the improvements in question. In this letter, he or they shall briefly describe all the improvements, and he or they shall enclose two copies of the subdivision plan which shows these improvements as installed.
   (b)   The Service Director or his or her designee shall inspect such improvements and recommend to the Zoning Administrator that such improvements are ready for the 1-year maintenance period. At this time, the Zoning Administrator may recommend to Council to release the performance guarantee and accept a maintenance guarantee for a period of 1 year. This maintenance guarantee shall conform to the standards outlined in Section 1212.01.
   (c)   The subdivision then must undergo a 1-year maintenance period. The subdivider is responsible for maintenance in the subdivision during this time period.
(Ord. 12-2002. Passed 7-2-02.)