(a)   It is recognized that matters of engineering design cannot always be identified in writing to cover all situations. However, the design standards established herein represent what is believed to be good engineering practice.
   (b)   Subdivision streets are to be designed to encourage operating speeds of approximately 25 miles per hour. If a street has been stubbed to the property to be developed, those streets must be continued into the proposed development from that point. The Planning Commission has the right to accept, deny or require that a road be connected to an existing road if it is deemed to be in the public interest.
   (c)   The Planning Commission, acting upon a written recommendation from the City's consulting engineer, shall have the authority to modify any engineering or construction detail, whenever required, for the protection of the public interest. Afterwards, it shall be the Planning Commission's responsibility to determine if these Subdivision Regulations need to be amended.
(Ord. 12-2002. Passed 7-2-02.)