(a)   All regulations in this chapter shall control the general manner in which streets, lots and other elements of a subdivision are arranged on the land. These regulations shall help ensure the development of convenient and safe streets, the creation of usable lots, the provision of space for public utilities, and the reservation of land for recreational uses. The planning of attractive and functional neighborhoods shall be promoted in order to minimize the undesirable features of unplanned, haphazard growth.
   (b)   Subdivisions are encouraged to take advantage of the topography of the land, minimize the destruction of large trees as well as tree clusters, minimize the disturbance of topsoil, and preserve such natural features as watercourses, sites of historical and archaeological significance, and any other assets that, if preserved, will add attractiveness and value to the subdivision and community.
   (c)   The Subdivision Review Committee and the Planning Commission have the responsibility for reviewing the design of all future subdivisions early in their design development. The subdivision review staff is also responsible for making sure that existing roads have the capacity to handle all new development in a safe and efficient manner. If the City Planning Commission and subdivision review staff, including the City's Service Director and Chief of Police, determine that it is in the public interest, they may require a traffic impact analysis to be completed at the developers' expense. Any street improvements called for by this analysis which are the direct result of the proposed development shall also be made at the developers' expense.
   (d)   All land to be subdivided must be submitted for approval all at one time so that the Planning Commission may better understand the full impacts of the proposed development and how the entire development relates to and impacts the City. Furthermore, the Planning Commission needs to be able to see all utilities and proposed utilities in the entire area and how they may impact adjacent pieces of property.
(Ord. 12-2002. Passed 7-2-02.)