(a)   The subdivision review staff and/or their designee(s) shall inspect, and may approve or disapprove for cause, all workmanship and materials. The subdivider shall be responsible for assuring that the subdivision review staff has inspected and approved all workmanship and materials before backfilling or otherwise covering any public improvement or private improvement within a common area, or any phase of construction of either. At the City's option, improvements or parts of improvements which are covered prior to approval by the subdivision review staff shall be subject to either uncovering for inspection or to alternative methods of inspection. Such uncovering or specialized inspections shall be at the subdivider's expense.
   (b)   The installed configuration of all public improvements, including but not limited to sanitary sewer, water, streets, curbs, and sidewalks; and all private improvements within common areas, shall be memorialized by "as-built" improvement plans certified by the subdivider's engineer and delivered to the City's engineer. The as-built improvement plan for each subdivision section shall be delivered within 30 days after construction is complete and approved by the City.
   (c)   Any erosion control measures indicated on the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan must be in place before the commencement of site work, or in the event that some site work is necessary to prepare for certain planned erosion control measures, immediately after such work is complete.
(Ord. 12-2002. Passed 7-2-02.)