(a) The plat of survey of minor subdivisions shall be clearly and legibly drawn by a registered surveyor or engineer. The size of the plat shall be 18 x 24 inches and shall be drawn to an appropriate scale. The material used shall be mylar with permanent ink.
(b) The plat of survey shall contain the following information:
(1) A north arrow, graphical scale and date;
(2) City, township, section, town and range and City lot number;
(3) Tract surveyed shall be shown in solid heavy lines;
(4) All lines of survey with bearing and distances in hundredths of a foot and bearings to 1 second for 1:10,000 accuracy;
(5) Type of monument set or found at all points;
(6) Monuments on right-of-way or offset lines showing a distance or dimension to the monument;
(7) Name and right-of-way width of all roads;
(8) Denote all section lines and/or half-section lines;
(9) Ties shall be made to the corner of recorded subdivisions and the section corners or established half-section corners. Bearings must be shown on section lines;
(10) List all reference surveys used;
(11) Total acreage of tract, and if more than one section, show breakdown of acreage as to each section;
(12) Names and location of adjoining property owners, as well as the identification of deed book and page;
(13) Deed book and page by which the owner acquired said property;
(14) The surveyor's signature and seal or stamp and certification to a field survey;
(15) The error of closure of a survey may not be greater than 1:10,000;
(16) The location and size of all existing visible site structures and improvements;
(17) Square footage as well as acreage of each parcel that is being created, as well as the remaining portion of the parcel;
(18) The location of all easements must be shown in such a manner to be reestablished in the field. Deed book and page shall be referenced on any existing easement of record;
(19) Drawing standards shall be as outlined in Chapter 1214 of these regulations;
(20) If property extends to the centerline of an improved road, a dimension is also to be shown at the right-of-way line. Lot frontage is measured at the right-of-way line, not the center of the improved road.
(Ord. 12-2002. Passed 7-2-02.)