The following signs or activities do not require a sign permit. Each sign exempted from the permit process shall still comply with any applicable safety, height, area, and locational standards established in this chapter, unless otherwise noted in this section.
   (a)   Signs and/or notices issued by any court, officer, or other person in performance of a public duty;
   (b)   Signs required by local, state or federal law;
   (c)   Street numbers;
   (d)   Sign face changes where there is no change to the structure including change in sign area, height, or alteration of sign cabinet, if applicable (e.g., replacement of a sign face, repainting of a sign face, etc.);
   (e)   Temporary signs that are exempted pursuant to Section 826.11(b)(ii);
   (f)   Change of copy of signs with changeable copy;
   (g)   General maintenance, painting, repainting, cleaning and other normal maintenance and repair of a sign or any sign structure unless a structural change is made that results in anything more than a minor modification;
   (h)   Window signs in Residential Zoning Districts; and
   (i)   Window signs in Commercial, Industrial, or Office Zoning Districts that do not occupy more than fifty-percent of the window area. See Figure 826-F for locations used in the calculation of the sign area. The sign area is based on the window and door area, regardless of the presence of an awning.
   (Figure 826-F. The window area is illustrated within the dashed line area for the two storefronts)
(Ord. 05-2021. Passed 3-4-21; Ord. 30-2021. Passed - -.)