(a)   A sign conforming to the regulations prior to the effective date of this chapter, but which does not conform to this chapter, or any amendment hereto, shall be construed as a legal nonconforming sign.
   (b)   Any sign which becomes a nonconforming sign due to a zoning change shall be considered a legal nonconforming sign and shall be treated in accordance with this section.
   (c)   Nonconforming signs shall be maintained in good condition with minor repairs, alterations, and ordinary maintenance.
   (d)   Nonconforming signs shall be removed and any subsequent modification or replacement (excluding maintenance pursuant to subsection (c) shall conform to this chapter when:
      (1)   More than seventy-five percent of the value of the sign has been destroyed or taken down;
      (2)   The sign is voluntarily changed in size or shape, structurally altered, relocated or replaced; or
      (3)   The use of the nonconforming sign is no longer associated with the current use or is vacant for ninety consecutive days. Permanent signs associated with a seasonal business may be exempted.
(Ord. 05-2021. Passed 3-4-21; Ord. 30-2021. Passed - -.)