(a)   Interpretation and Enforcement. The Planning and Zoning Administrator or any authorized designee shall interpret and enforce this chapter. This chapter shall be considered a companion code to those portions of the Ohio Building Code, County Building Code, the City Building Code and such rules and regulations as may otherwise be deemed applicable to these matters.
   (b)   Zoning Inspections. The Planning and Zoning Administrator and any authorized designee are authorized to inspect any sign for compliance with this chapter at any time.
   (c)   Signs Requiring a Permit. All signs, unless otherwise allowed in this chapter, are required to have an approved sign permit prior to installation. Signs permitted within Section 826.09 shall require a sign permit that shall be reviewed in the same manner as a Zoning Certificate. All applications for sign permits must be accompanied by a scaled sketch or drawing showing the size, manner of anchoring, proposed lighting, foundation landscaping plan (if applicable), street address (if applicable), and the location of the sign to be erected on the premises. If, in the judgement of the Planning and Zoning Administrator and with concurrence from the City Manager, it appears that a proposed sign, even though it otherwise meets the provisions of this chapter, would create a hazard or adversely affect health or safety, the permit shall be denied. In such a case, the applicant may appeal per Section 826.14 . Permit Fees are calculated as set forth in Section 826.15 of this chapter.
   (d)   Removal of Unlawful Signs.
      (1)   Any sign that violates the provisions of this chapter is a public and private nuisance, and the City shall give seven (7) days' notice by personal service to the owner at the violation location to remove such sign. Also, the owner shall be notified by certificate of mailing to the county taxbill mailing address to remove such sign. However, in the case of an unlawful sign that is not permanently attached to the ground, a building, or structure, the City need give only twenty-four (24) hours' notice to remove such sign at the violation location. The owner shall have the right of appeal per Section 826.14.
      (2)   If any such sign has not been removed on or before the expiration of the applicable notice period prescribed in item (d)(1) above, or within seven (7) days after the adverse decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals, the City or any of its duly authorized agents may enter upon the premises and cover, remove, or otherwise abate the sign.
      (3)   The City shall not be responsible for any damage done to the premises under the authorization provided in items (d)(1) and (d)(2) above and shall have the right to invoice the owner of such premises for all such work performed as billed. If the owner does not pay for the work performed by the City pursuant to items (d)(1) and (d)(2) within thirty days following the mailing of each invoice, the City may without further notice recover the amounts authorized by this item (d)(3) using the collection procedures set forth in Ohio R.C. 715.261 or any other legal means of collection.
      (4)   Notice to the owner shall not be required prior to the removal of a hazardous sign which, in the opinion of the Planning and Zoning Administrator or any authorized designee, creates an immediate danger to persons or property due to structural design deficiencies, inadequate maintenance, improper location, or due to damage from a weather event. The City's entry onto private property for the purpose of removing a hazardous sign shall not constitute a trespass. Notice to the owner shall not be required prior to the removal of any sign unlawfully placed on public or private property.
(Ord. 05-2021. Passed 3-4-21; Ord. 30-2021. Passed - -.)