Section 2.01. Number, Selection, Term.
   (A)   Until the population of the City shall reach twenty thousand, as determined by a Federal census, the Council shall consist of seven members elected from the City at large for four (4) year overlapping terms of office, provided that the four members of Council under the general statutory plan of government for villages, whose terms expire on December 31, 1973, shall serve as members of the Council under this Charter, with all the powers, duties and functions provided by this Charter, until January 1, 1974, and at the regular Municipal election to be held in November, 1971, and every four years thereafter three members of the Council shall be elected from the City at large for terms of four years. At the regular Municipal election to be held in November, 1973, and every four years thereafter four members of the Council shall be elected from the City at large for terms of four years.
   (B)   Within ninety days after the Secretary of State proclaims the population of the City to be twenty thousand or more, based on a Federal census, the Council shall divide the City into four wards for purposes of electing ward Council members. At the next regular Municipal election at which four members of Council are to be elected, occurring at least thirty days after the division of the City into wards, and every four years thereafter, one member of the Council shall be elected from each of the four wards, for terms of four years each. At the next succeeding regular Municipal election and every four years thereafter, three members of the Council shall be elected from the City at large for four year terms of office. Once the City has been divided into wards, the Council shall redivide the City into four wards of substantially equal population within ninety days after the proclamation of the population of the City by the Secretary of State following each Federal decennial census.
   (C)   Members of Council shall take office on the first day of January following their election.