Roof-mount (SES) shall be permitted by a building permit in all zoning districts where there is a principal structure. An application shall be submitted to the Village Zoning Officer demonstrating compliance with § 153.193 in addition to the following requirements below.
   (A)   Height. Building or roof-mounted solar energy systems shall not exceed the maximum allowed height for principal structures in any zoning district.
   (B)   Setbacks. In addition to building setbacks the collector surface and mounting devises for roof- mounted systems shall not extend beyond the exterior perimeter of the building on which the systems are mounted or built, unless the collector or mounting system has been engineered to safely extend beyond the edge, and setback requirements are not violated. Exterior piping for solar hot water systems shall be allowed to extend beyond the perimeter of the building on a side yard exposure.
   (C)   Reflection angles. Reflection angles for solar collectors shall be oriented such that they do not project glare onto adjacent properties. All installations shall be manufactured with anti-glare technology.
   (D)   Safety.
      (1)   Roof-mounted or building-mounted solar energy systems, excluding building integrated systems, shall allow for adequate roof access for firefighting purposes.
      (2)   Roof-mounted or building-mounted solar energy systems shall meet the requirements of the this code of ordinances.
      (3)   All solar energy systems shall be installed by a qualified solar installer and plans sealed by, or a letter signed by, a structural engineer or architect indicating the weight of the solar installation does not exceed the allowable loading for the roof structure according to the applicable building code.
      (4)   Any connection to the public utility grid shall be inspected by the appropriate public utility.
      (5)   The installation shall be designed such that the amount of electricity generated does not exceed 125% of the typical amount consumed for the needs of the household.
      (6)   All solar energy systems shall be maintained and kept in good working order. If it is determined by the village’s Code Compliance Officer that a solar energy system is not being maintained, kept in good working order or is no longer being utilized to perform as intended for six consecutive months, the property owner shall be given 30-day notice for removal of the unit and all equipment. If the solar energy system is not removed within 30 days, the Code Compliance Officer shall issue a notice of violation.
   (E)   Approved solar components. Electric solar energy system components shall have a UL listing or approved equivalent and solar hot water systems shall have an SRCC rating.
   (F)   Restrictions on solar energy systems limited. Consistent with 765 ILCS 165, no homeowner’s agreement, covenant, common interest community or other contracts between multiple property owners within the village shall prohibit or restrict homeowners from installing solar energy systems.
(Ord. 19-112, passed 9-16-2019) Penalty, see § 10.99