For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ACCESSORY. As applied to a building, structure or use, one which is on the same lot with, incidental to and subordinate to the main or principal structure or use and which is used for purposes customarily incidental to the main or principal structure, or the main or principal use.
   BUILDING INTEGRATED PHOTOVOLTAICS SYSTEMS. A solar energy system that consists of integrating photovoltaic modules into the building structure as the roof or façade and which does not alter the relief of the roof.
   COLLECTIVE SOLAR. Solar installations owned collectively through subdivision homeowner associations, college student groups or other similar arrangements.
   COMMERCIAL/LARGE SCALE SOLAR FARMS. A utility scale commercial facility that converts sunlight to electricity, whether by photovoltaics, concentrating solar thermal devices or various experimental technologies for onsite or offsite use with the primary purpose of selling wholesale or retail generated electricity.
   COMMUNITY SOLAR GARDEN. A community solar-electric (photovoltaic) array, of no more than five acres in size, that provides retail electric power (or financial proxy for retail power) to multiple households or businesses residing in or located off-site from the location of the solar energy system.
   GROUND-MOUNT SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM. A solar energy system that is directly installed into the ground and is not attached or affixed to an existing structure.
   NET METERING. A billing arrangement that allows solar customers to get credit for excess electricity that they generate and deliver back to the grid so that they only pay for their net electricity usage at the end of the month.
   PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM. A solar energy system that produces electricity by the use of semiconductor devices calls photovoltaic cells that generate electricity whenever light strikes them.
   QUALIFIED SOLAR INSTALLER. A trained and qualified electrical professional who has the skills and knowledge related to the construction and operation of solar electrical equipment and installations and has received safety training on the hazards involved.
   ROOF-MOUNT. A solar energy system in which solar panels are mounted on top of a building roof as either a flush mounted system or as modules fixed to frames which can be tilted toward the south at an optical angle.
   SOLAR ACCESS. Unobstructed access to direct sunlight on a lot or building through the entire year, including access across adjacent parcel air rights, for the purpose of capturing direct sunlight to operate a solar energy system.
   SOLAR COLLECTOR. A device, structure or part of a device or structure for which the primary purpose is to transform solar radiant energy into thermal, mechanical, chemical or electrical energy.
   SOLAR ENERGY. Radiant energy received from the sun that can be collected in the form of heat or light by a solar collector.
   SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM (SES). The components and subsystems required to convert solar energy into electric or thermal energy suitable for use. The area of the system includes all the land inside the perimeter of the system, which extends to any fencing. The term applies, but is not limited to, solar photovoltaic systems, solar thermal systems and solar hot water systems.
   SOLAR STORAGE BATTERY/UNIT. A component of a solar energy device that is used to store solar generated electricity or heat for later use.
   SOLAR THERMAL SYSTEMS. Systems that directly heat water or other liquid using sunlight. The heated liquid is used for such purposes as space heating and cooling, domestic hot water and heating pool water.
(Ord. 19-112, passed 9-16-2019)