(A)   The Thoroughfare Plan of the town consists of a map entitled “Trafalgar, Indiana, Thoroughfare System Plan” which is on file and available for public inspection at the Town Hall, Town of Trafalgar, which map is made a part hereof by specific reference thereto.
   (B)   The map shows the location of existing and proposed thoroughfares within the jurisdiction of the Plan Commission. The Thoroughfare Plan is declared to be part of this chapter and notations, references, indications and other details shown therein are as much a part of this chapter as if they were fully described in the text of this chapter.
   (C)   In addition to the streets designated, all areas within each individual area covered on the map by designated secondary arterials and not covered by sufficient feeder streets shall be provided with a through feeder street system with a maximum separation of 1,320 feet. These feeder streets can be part of a residential development and should be placed to the developer’s convenience, but subject to an alignment that will be feasible to extend into other developments and ultimately to connect to arterial thoroughfares.
(Ord., § 1-41, passed - -1991)