§ 154.119 EXPANSION.
   (A)   A nonconforming use, building or structure shall not be enlarged or increased upon land not owned, leased or under option to purchase at the time of enactment of this chapter.
   (B)   A nonconforming use, building or structure shall not be enlarged or increased in a manner which will further violate any regulation imposed by this zoning chapter. No additional structures, uses, or buildings which do not conform to the requirements of this chapter shall be erected or established in connection with existing nonconforming uses, structures or buildings.
   (C)   A nonconforming use, building or structure may be expanded once up to 5%.
   (D)   (1)   A nonconforming use, building, or structure may not be expanded more than 5% unless such expansion has been approved as a special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board.
      (2)   A dimensional nonconformity may be extended provided that the extent of the nonconformity is not increased, and no new nonconformity is created.
   (E)   Total future expansion of a nonconforming building, structure or use shall not exceed 50% of the lot area occupied by the building, structure or use at the time this zoning chapter becomes effective.
   (F)   Nonconforming signs shall not be expanded.
(Ord. passed 7-13-2015)