(A) When provision is to be made for the use of solar energy by structures, streets toward which buildings are to be oriented should run in an east-west direction.
(B) Side lot lines shall be at right angles to straight street lines and radial to curved street lines. The Borough Council may allow variation from this requirement where provision is to be made for use of solar energy, in which case side lot lines generally may run from due north to due south or with slight variation east or west of this axis.
(C) In land developments where lot lines will not be provided, consideration should be given to orienting buildings to maximize solar access. Generally, buildings should be located with their long axes running east to west, though in some high density or townhouse developments a north-south orientation for the long axes may be desirable.
(D) Consideration should be given to locating structures and open spaces such that buildings will not cast shadows on other buildings.
(E) Consideration should be given to reserving solar easements within lots for protection of solar access.
(Ord. 1-2006, passed 5-8-2006)