(A)   The location and number of access points to a subdivision or land development shall be adequate for and appropriate to the size and nature of the development and surrounding roads and land uses.
   (B)   All subdivisions and land developments containing more than 20 dwelling units shall have at least two means of ingress and egress via streets or access drives meeting the design and construction standards of the borough.
   (C)   For all subdivisions and land developments for which only one means of ingress and egress is proposed, the Borough Council may require, where deemed necessary in the public interest and for the public safety, the provision of additional street or access drive access meeting borough standards or the provision of an alternate means of ingress and egress meeting borough standards which could be used by emergency vehicles in addition to the primary means of ingress and egress. Such alternate means of ingress and egress shall be of such width and improved to such an extent to be usable by emergency vehicles, and no structures, trees or similar obstructions shall be permitted.
(Ord. 1-2006, passed 5-8-2006)