(A) (1) The developer shall provide the most desirable type of sanitary sewage disposal facility consistent with existing physical, geographical and geological conditions.
(2) The following types of sanitary sewage and disposal facilities are listed in order of decreasing desirability:
(a) Public sanitary sewer and treatment plant system;
(b) Community sanitary sewer system with a temporary sewage treatment plant;
(c) Capped sewers with temporary, approved on-site facilities; and
(d) Approved on-site facilities.
(B) Each property shall connect with an approved public or community sewer system, if reasonably accessible. Where sewers are not yet accessible but are planned for extension to the subdivision or land development within ten years, the developer shall install sewer lines, including lateral connections, necessary to provide adequate service to each commercial and industrial lot and each dwelling unit when connection with the sewer system is made. Sewer lines shall be suitably capped at the limits of the subdivision or land development, and laterals shall be capped at the street right-of-way line. When capped sewers are provided, on-site disposal facilities shall also be provided.
(C) All sanitary sewer systems shall conform in all respects to the requirements of the State Department of Environmental Protection, the borough and any applicable authority.
(D) Whenever approval by a municipal authority or the State Department of Environmental Protection is required for the sanitary sewer system for a proposed subdivision or land development, the developer shall submit a copy of such approval to the borough prior to final approval of a plan. Indication of ability to serve the tract shall be furnished to the borough at preliminary plan stage.
(E) Sanitary sewer systems shall be designed to eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the systems and discharges from the systems into floodwaters.
(F) If on-site sanitary sewage disposal facilities are proposed, the borough may require that the developer submit a feasibility report if the borough considers that such facilities are not the highest type consistent with existing conditions. Such report shall compare the feasibility of providing on-site facilities with that of providing more desirable types of facilities (see division (A) above). Based on analysis of the feasibility report, the borough may require the installation of a more desirable type of facility.
(G) Before covering and backfilling, all on-site facilities must be inspected by the Borough Sewage Enforcement Officer and must comply with the approved engineering drawings that are part of the plans. Such approval shall be in writing. Two copies of an “as-built” drawing of on-site facilities shall be provided for the Borough Engineer showing the location sizes and/or capacities of all pipes, tanks, cleanouts, vents and tile fields.
(H) Submittal to the State Department of Environmental Protection.
(1) In accordance with the rules and regulations of the State Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) municipalities shall revise their official plan for sewage disposal whenever a new subdivision is proposed, unless DEP determines that the proposal is for the use of individual on-lot sewage systems serving detached single-family dwelling units in a subdivision of ten lots or less and certain criteria set forth in the rules and regulations of DEP are met.
(2) An official plan revision for new land development shall be submitted to DEP in the form of a completed sewage facilities planning module provided by DEP and including all information required by DEP.
(3) The developer or developer or his or her agent shall complete the DEP sewage facilities planning module and submit it to the borough for action.
(4) No plan revision for new land development will be considered complete unless it includes all information specified within DEP’s rules and regulations.
(5) The municipality shall not adopt a proposed revision to the official plan, conditionally or otherwise, until it determines that the proposal complies with applicable borough zoning, land use or other borough comprehensive plans. If changes to the proposed revision or the applicable plan, regulation or ordinance are necessary, the changes shall be completed prior to adoption of the revision by the borough.
(6) Upon adoption of a proposed revision to the official plan, or refusal to adopt such a proposed revision, the borough shall forward the proposed revision or statement refusing to adopt to DEP. DEP may approve or disapprove a proposed plan revision for new land development.
(7) The time limits for actions by borough and county agencies and DEP are set forth in the rules and regulations of DEP.
(8) Subdividers and developers are advised that no subdivision or land development plan will be finally approved and released for recording by the borough until all necessary approvals of the official plan revision or requests for exceptions to the requirement to revise the official plan have been secured from the borough and DEP. This fact and time limits for action should be considered by subdividers and developers when submitting the DEP sewage facilities planning module to the borough.
(Ord. 1-2006, passed 5-8-2006)