(A)   The final plan shall be clearly and legibly drawn to a scale of one inch equals 20 feet or one inch equals 50 feet with all dimensions shown in feet and hundredths of a foot, except that if the average size of the proposed lots is five acres or larger, the plan may be drawn to a scale of one inch equals 100 feet.
   (B)   The preliminary plan shall be made on sheets 18 inches by 24 inches, 24 inches by 36 inches or 36 inches by 48 inches.
   (C)   If the final plan requires more than one sheet, a key diagram showing the relative location of all the sheets shall be drawn on each sheet. In addition, a match line shall be drawn on each sheet and the developer shall indicate along each match line what sheet is adjoined at that match line.
   (D)   A plan index, listing the title, number, latest revision and date revised of each plan included in the submission, shall be included on the lead plan intended for eventual recording.
   (E)   The final plan an shall show:
      (1)   Name of the proposed subdivision or land development shall be shown on each sheet;
      (2)   Name of the borough;
      (3)   The words “Final Plan” shall appear on each drawing;
      (4)   North point;
      (5)   Written and graphic scale;
      (6)   Date of plan, including the month, day and year that the original drawing was completed and in the case of revised drawings the month, day and year that the original drawing was revised and a description of each revision;
      (7)   Name and address of the record owner;
      (8)   Name and address of the developer;
      (9)   Source of title to the tract, including date and grantor;
      (10)   The tax property identification number as found on the county tax maps;
      (11)   A copy of the deed(s) for the tract;
      (12)   A statement describing all previous subdivisions or land developments having occurred on the tract;
      (13)   Name, address and seal of each registered engineer, surveyor, architect or landscape architect responsible for the plan;
      (14)   The names of any abutting subdivisions and land developments and the book and page numbers where recorded;
      (15)   The names of any adjacent unplatted land and the book and page numbers where recorded;
      (16)   A location map for the purpose of locating the property being subdivided or developed drawn at a scale of one inch equals 800 feet, showing the location of the property, differentiated by tone or pattern, to adjoining property and to all roads, municipal boundaries, recorded subdivision and land development plans, and recorded but unconstructed streets within 1,000 feet of the subdivision or land development. A scale, north point and the proposed street system within the subdivision or land development shall be shown;
      (17)   (a)   The total tract boundary lines of the area being subdivided or developed, based on field survey, with accurate distances to hundredths of a foot and bearings to one-quarter of a minute. These boundaries shall be balanced and closed with an error or closure not to exceed one foot in 10,000 feet; provided however, that the boundary(s) adjoining additional unplatted land of the developer (for example, between separately submitted final plan sections) are not required to be based upon field survey, and may be calculated.
         (b)   The proposed location and elevation (if the elevation is established) of all boundary line (perimeter) monuments shall be indicated, along with a statement of the total area the property being subdivided or developed. The Borough Council may require perimeter monuments to be set and elevations established prior to approval of the final plan.
         (c)   The surveyor and/or engineer responsible for the plan shall certify the accuracy of the survey and the plan in accordance with Appendix II (certification of accuracy), which is adopted by reference as if set out at length herein. Plans and surveys shall be prepared in accordance with the professional engineers registration law.
         (d)   If the developer is going to retain a single parcel with an area in excess of ten acres and that parcel will not be improved beyond its current level of improvement, that parcel may be considered residue and may be identified by deed plotting. If the retained parcel has an area of ten acres or less, it shall be considered a lot within the subdivision and described to the accuracy requirements of this chapter.
      (18)   Acreage of the tract being subdivided or developed and acreage of the residue of the tract;
      (19)   A statement of the type of water and sewer service proposed;
      (20)   Zoning data including all of the following, if applicable:
         (a)   Existing municipal zoning regulations, including district designations, requirements for lot area, yards, lot coverage and building height limitations, and any zoning boundary lines traversing the property;
         (b)   Any changes in the existing zoning to be requested;
         (c)   Any zoning regulations, other than district regulations, governing lot size and/or yard requirements; and
         (d)   Any municipal regulations, other than zoning regulations, governing lot size and/or yard requirements.
      (21)   Location and elevation of the datum to which elevations refer. Datum used shall be a known, established benchmark. Sanitary sewer manholes shall not be used as a datum base;
      (22)   Contour lines at vertical intervals of not more than two feet for land with average natural slope of 4% or less and at intervals of not more than five feet for land with average natural slope exceeding 4%. Contour lines shall be from aerial or field survey;
      (23)   All existing buildings, lot lines, sanitary sewer lines, on-site sewage disposal systems, water lines, wells, fire hydrants, utility lines, storm drainage facilities, bridges, railroad tracks and other significant human-made features within the proposed subdivision or land development;
      (24)   Lot lines of adjacent lots, and approximate locations of any buildings, common open spaces, detention basins or drainage facilities existing or approved within 100 feet of the boundaries of the proposed subdivision or land development;
      (25)   All existing soils types boundaries;
      (26)   Soils characteristics for detention and retention pond areas;
      (27)   Areas of any hydric soils as classified in the county soil survey, with a notation if none exist, if that is the case;
      (28)   Natural drainage channels, watercourses and water bodies;
      (29)   Tree masses and isolated live trees over one foot in diameter;
      (30)   Quarries, mine holes, rock outcroppings, stone fields, caves and sinkholes;
      (31)   Areas of 8 to 15% slopes, 15 to 25% slope and areas of over 25% slope shall each be delineated on the plan by pattern or shading;
      (32)   Areas of carbonate geology;
      (33)   Wetlands shall be accurately shown and shall be encompassed by bearings and distances, tied to a known property comer. The firm and/or individual responsible for the wetland delineation shall be identified on the plan;
      (34)   (a)   One hundred-year floodplains, including delineation of floodway and flood fringe, established by study of FEMA, with base flood elevations for the 100-year storm. For those watercourses for which studies have not been performed by FEMA, calculated 100-year floodplains shall be established by the developer in accordance with Appendix IV (determination of floodplains), which is adopted by reference as if set out at length herein.
         (b)   When a subdivision or land development contains a floodplain, the proposed elevation of roads, building sites and public utilities within or in the vicinity of the floodplain shall be given.
      (35)   All existing streets and streets recorded but not constructed on or abutting the tract, including names, existing and ultimate right-of way widths and lines, and cartway widths and lines;
      (36)   All existing easements and rights-of-way and the purposes for which they have been established, deed restrictions and covenants;
      (37)   All proposed streets, their location, suggested name, right-of-way and cartway widths and lines, centerline radii of horizontal curves, intended ownership, a statement of any conditions governing their use, and suggested classification (e.g., collector). The designation of minor, collector and arterial streets is subject to the approval of the Borough Council. Streets to be offered for dedication shall be indicated. For streets that will not be dedicated, the arrangements to be made for the ownership and maintenance of those streets shall be given;
      (38)   For the cartway edges or curb lines and right-of-way lines of all recorded (except those which are to be vacated) and proposed streets, and for the existing and ultimate right-of-way lines of all existing streets within or abutting the property to be subdivided, the length, in feet to the second decimal point, of all straight lines and the length of arc, radius, delta angle (in degrees, minutes and seconds) of all curved lines;
      (39)   Location, width and purpose of all proposed easements and rights-of-way. Bearings and distances shall be provided for easements when not parallel to lot or street lines;
      (40)   Building setback lines along each street, lot line and utility line and all proposed structures;
      (41)   All lot lines shall be shown and shall be completely dimensioned in feet to the second decimal point, if straight, and if curved, with central angle in degrees, minutes and seconds and length of arc and radius. Lot line distances to street right-of-way lines shall be given. Bearings to one-quarter of a minute shall be shown for all lot lines and each lot shall be balanced to an accuracy of one foot in 10,000 feet. As an alternative to bearings for each lot line, angles at the intersection of all lot lines may be given;
      (42)   The area of each lot in square feet or acres, exclusive of street rights-of-way;
      (43)   Lot numbers, numbered consecutively;
      (44)   A statement of the total number of lots and parcels;
      (45)   Intended use of lots;
      (46)   Location, size and material of all water mains, with connections to existing facilities, fire hydrants, blow-offs, valves, storage tanks and water sources;
      (47)   Location, size, material, pipe length, invert elevation and grade of all sanitary sewers, with connections to existing facilities, location and construction details of all manholes, design of pumping stations, force mains, and sewage treatment plants, with type and degree of treatment proposed and size and capacity of treatment facilities. The separation distance from water lines and locations of concrete encasements shall be shown;
      (48)   Location, size, material, pipe length, invert elevation and grade of all storm drainage facilities, with connections to existing facilities; location, slope, velocity within and cross-section for all drainage swales; the location and construction details of all manholes, inlets, endwalls, headwalls, culverts and junction boxes; the location and design of all detention facilities and other drainage facilities; the size, depth, length and width of rip rap aprons, with design calculations;
      (49)   Location, size and proposed use and design of all parks, playgrounds, recreation areas, open space, public buildings, and other public uses. Areas to be offered for dedication to the borough shall be noted. Areas to be reserved for public use but not be dedicated shall be noted, any conditions governing such areas shall be listed, and the arrangements to be made for the ownership, administration and maintenance of these areas shall be given;
      (50)   Provisions for pedestrian and other non-vehicular or bicycling circulation throughout the tract;
      (51)   Typical street cross-section drawing(s) of each proposed street, including right-of-way and cartway widths, construction details of streets, shoulders, curbs and sidewalks and cross-slopes of streets, shoulders, sidewalks and planting strips. The typical location, size and depth of any underground utilities shall be indicated;
      (52)   Profiles along the centerline of each proposed street. Such profiles shall show at least the following information, properly labeled:
         (a)   Existing profile along both cartway edges or at the top of curbs;
         (b)   Proposed finished grade at the top of both curbs or along both cartway edges;
         (c)   The length of all vertical curves;
         (d)   Existing and proposed sanitary sewer mains and manholes, with top and invert elevation data;
         (e)   Existing and proposed storm sewer mains, inlets, manholes and culverts, with top and invert elevation data;
         (f)   Existing and proposed water mains when they cross other utilities; and
         (g)   Station numbers.
      (53)   The profiles shall be drawn at one of the following sets of scales or any combination thereof:
         (a)   One inch equals ten feet horizontal and one inch equals one foot vertical;
         (b)   One inch equals 20 feet horizontal and one inch equals two feet vertical;
         (c)   One inch equals 40 feet horizontal and one inch equals four feet vertical; or
         (d)   One inch equals 50 feet horizontal and one inch equals five feet vertical.
      (54)   Designs of any bridges or culverts. Such designs shall meet all applicable requirements of the State Department of Transportation and the State Department of Environmental Protection. Capacity/loading calculations shall be submitted;
      (55)   The location of all townhouses, apartment buildings and/or condominium buildings and parking facilities to serve the same;
      (56)   A certificate of ownership, acknowledgment of plan and offer of dedication shall be lettered on the plan, using the form specified in Appendix I (certification of ownership, acknowledgment of plan and offer of dedication), which is adopted by reference as if set out at length herein, and shall be signed by the owner(s) of the property and be notarized;
      (57)   Certificate for approval of the plan by the Borough Planning Commission, using the form specified in Appendix III (certificate of municipal approval), which is adopted by reference as if set out at length herein;
      (58)   Certificate for approval of the plan by the Borough Council using the form specified in Appendix III (certificate of municipal approval), which is adopted by reference as if set out at length herein;
      (59)   A blank space in which the appropriate stamp and notation of the County Planning Commission may be applied;
      (60)   A blank space in order that the Recorder of Deeds may acknowledge receipt and recording of the plan when it is presented;
      (61)   In the case of land development plans, the following additional information shall be shown:
         (a)   The location, dimensions and use of all buildings;
         (b)   Location and grade of all parking areas and access drives, the size and number of parking spaces and the width of aisles and access drives;
         (c)   The location, number and dimensions of off-street loading areas;
         (d)   Provisions for landscaping of the tract;
         (e)   Provisions for lighting of the tract;
         (f)   Provisions for traffic control;
         (g)   The location of refuse collection areas and provisions to be made for refuse collection;
         (h)   A table showing extent of compliance with the area, yard, height and coverage regulations of the borough zoning ordinance;
         (i)   Evidence that the project will meet the off-street parking requirements of the zoning ordinance; and
         (j)   A grading plan for the tract showing existing and proposed contour lines at the interval required by division (E)(22) above. Lowest floor elevations for proposed buildings shall be indicated;
      (62)   Location of school bus stop shelters or pads;
      (63)   Restrictive covenants and deed restrictions applicable to the development, whether proposed or previously existing;
      (64)   Design speed of all proposed streets;
      (65)   Sight distance calculations for vertical curves in streets (see § 153.116(G));
      (66)   Sight distance calculations at street intersections (see § 153.116(I));
      (67)   Horizontal curve radii of cartway and right-of-way lines at street intersections. The cartway tie-in to existing street cartways shall be indicated;
      (68)   On the subdivision plan or a plan view drawing of streets, station numbers corresponding to the street profiles;
      (69)   Guide rail locations and construction detail, (see § 153.117);
      (70)   Clear sight triangles at street intersections, (see § 153.116(I));
      (71)   Proposed ownership and maintenance of storm drainage facilities;
      (72)   A typical treatment of the construction of driveways and the handling of storm drainage where driveways will intersect streets. The borough may require driveway culverts to be designed and such size noted on the plan (see § 153.119(E) and Ord. 50);
      (73)   Location and type of traffic-control devices;
      (74)   Whenever a developer proposes to establish a street which is not offered for dedication to public use, the Borough Council may require the developer to submit, and also to record with the plan, a copy of an agreement made with the borough on behalf of his or her heirs and assigns, which shall establish the conditions under which the street may later be offered for dedication;
      (75)   (a)   If the subdivision or land development proposes a new street or driveway intersection with a state route, a copy of the highway occupancy permit for such intersection. In lieu of a permit for a driveway intersection, the Borough Council may permit the following note to be placed on the plan:
      “A highway occupancy permit is required pursuant to § 420 of the Act of June 1, 1945 (P.L. 1242, No. 428), known as the State Highway Law, being 36 P.S. Ch. 2, before a driveway access to a state highway is permitted. Access to the state highway shall only be as authorized by a highway occupancy permit.”
         (b)   The approval of this subdivision/land development plan shall in no way imply that a state highway permit can be acquired or that this municipality will support, encourage or not oppose the granting of such a permit. It is possible that access to the property from a state highway will not be permitted by the commonwealth and the property therefore cannot be used for the purpose intended by any purchaser. Purchasers are accordingly warned and should govern themselves accordingly, acquiring state and local highway occupancy permits before purchasing any premises.
         (c)   Any conditions listed in a permit shall be noted on the plan.
      (76)   A copy of all permits required from the State Department of Environmental Protection including watercourses, bodies of water or water obstructions;
      (77)   An erosion and sediment control plan for the tract, in accordance with § 153.123;
      (78)   A landscape plan showing the number, location, size and species of all trees and shrubs that will be planted within the subdivision or land development;
      (79)   Utility easements and rights-of-way shall be shown on the plan;
      (80)   A final grading plan showing existing and proposed contour lines at the interval required by division (E)(22) above shall be submitted. Lowest floor elevations for proposed buildings shall be indicated;
      (81)   Copies of all approvals required for sanitary sewer and water systems shall be received prior to approval of the final plan, including written confirmation that the appropriate agencies can and will serve the proposed development;
      (82)   A lighting plan showing the location of poles, the type and height of poles, and the type and brightness of lighting fixtures shall be submitted. The type of fixture to be placed at each location shall be noted;
      (83)   Street names in accordance with § 153.116(K);
      (84)   All information required pursuant to § 153.119(B)(3), regarding access from adjoining municipalities;
      (85)   When the tract contains wetlands, a copy of all required permits or permit waivers from State DEP and/or Army Corps of Engineers;
      (86)   Copies of approvals required by any other governmental regulatory agencies concerning matters under their jurisdiction;
      (87)   A copy of any agreements incident to the construction, operation, maintenance and/or dedication of facilities for public use;
      (88)   A note to be placed on the plan indicating any area that is to be offered for dedication, if applicable, and that the conveyance of land constituting all or part of such offered land shall not constitute the revocation of the offer and all conveyances shall be under and subject to said offer;
      (89)   Location of proposed buildings or structures or typical location of proposed dwellings;
      (90)   Proposed driveway locations and evidence that the standards for driveways established in this chapter (§ 153.119(E)) or other applicable borough ordinances can be met;
      (91)   Location of existing and proposed wells within 100 feet of the boundaries of the tract, if on-site sewage disposal is proposed;
      (92)   The location of deep probe and soil percolation test holes tied to a known or proposed property/lot corner by bearing and distance. Each approved on-site sewage disposal test site shall be enclosed in an easement of sufficient size to allow the construction of the absorption area. In addition the plan shall contain restrictive notes prohibiting the disturbance of these areas for any use except for the construction and maintenance of the absorption area;
      (93)   List of contacts for underground utilities in the area, with telephone numbers stated on the grading plan;
      (94)   Existing and proposed street lighting (or notation stating that none is proposed), including types of poles, spacing of poles and intensity of lamps;
      (95)   A note stating that construction will be in accordance with borough codes, ordinances, standards and specifications;
      (96)   Protective covenant shall be placed on the land providing for:
         (a)   Clear sight triangle easements; and
         (b)   All needed utility, drainage, maintenance, pedestrian, open space or other easements.
      (97)   Required plan notations: the following wording shall be required to be placed on any final subdivision or land development plan, as applicable.
         (a)    “Well and sewage disposal systems shall be constructed in accordance with standards of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.”
         (b)   “Individual owners of lots must receive approval from the Borough Sewage Enforcement Officer for a sewage permit prior to undertaking the construction of an on-lot sewage disposal system or building that will need to be served by such a system.”
         (c)   “The Planning Commission and Borough Council have not passed upon the feasibility of any individual lot or location within a lot being able to sustain any type of well or sewage system.”
         (d)   “All on-site sewage disposal easements shall remain free and clear of all encroachments including, but not limited to, sheds, buildings or other structures. No regrading without the prior written permission of the Borough of Topton Council shall be permitted.”
         (e)   “The borough shall have the right, but not the duty, to replace or maintain any drainage facilities shown within the easement(s) provided on the lot(s) at the lot owner’s expense.”
         (f)   “All drainage easements shall remain free and clear of all impediments including, but not limited to, sheds, fences, trees, shrubs or other plantings or structures. No regrading without the prior written permission of the Borough of Topton Council shall be permitted.”
         (g)   “Representatives of Borough of Topton shall have the right to inspect the drainage facilities located on the lot(s) from time to time as deemed necessary.”
   (F)   The following additional information shall be submitted with the final plan if not submitted with a preliminary plan:
      (1)   A copy of any “supporting documentation and additional information” that was required for the preliminary plan and that needed to be adjusted or revised to reflect changes between the preliminary and final plan;
      (2)   In the case of a proposed revision of a FEMA mapped floodplain, a letter of approval of such revision from FEMA;
      (3)   A plan for the surface drainage of the tract, including stormwater runoff calculations and the proposed method of accommodating the anticipated runoff. Stormwater calculations shall be made and drainage facilities designed in accordance with this chapter, the borough stormwater management ordinance and the Sacony Creek Watershed Stormwater Management ordinance as applicable;
      (4)   An approval letter from the County Conservation District for the erosion and sedimentation control plan;
      (5)   A traffic impact study when required by § 153.132(B);
      (6)   (a)   Habitats of threatened and endangered species of special concern in the state within the tract, as established by the State Biological Survey and/or State Natural Diversity Inventory; and
         (b)   If such habitats exist on the tract, the measures proposed to protect the habitats shall be indicated.
      (7)   All historic and archaeological resources which have been identified and/or inventoried by the borough, the county, the County Planning Commission and/or the State Historical and Museum Commission and/or are listed in the National Register of Historic Buildings and Places located within the tract or within 50 feet of the tract;
      (8)   Where the developer proposes to locate a street, driveway or other improvement within a portion of a utility right-of-way, or to relocate an existing utility line, an agreement from the appropriate utility company giving permission to locate within the right-of-way or relocate the existing line;
      (9)   Schematic architectural drawings of proposed townhouses, apartment buildings, and commercial and industrial buildings, including building orientation;
      (10)   Impact studies as required by § 153.132;
      (11)   When on-site sewage disposal is proposed, final documentation of the approval of the tract for on-site sewage disposal;
      (12)   The disposition of solid waste generated within the proposed subdivision or land development;
      (13)   Landscape plan, including the following:
         (a)   Locations of treelines and existing forested areas;
         (b)   Locations of individual mature trees with truck diameters greater than six inches measured at a height of three feet above the surrounding ground level, other than trees within wooded areas and treelines;
         (c)   Any proposed evergreen screening, buffer yards or earth berming (if required by the borough zoning ordinance);
         (d)   Areas of existing mature woods that are to be protected and preserved or removed, see § 153.124;
         (e)   Types, sizes and locations of any required trees, paved area landscaping and any other major proposed landscaping;
         (f)   Any proposed fencing, including height and type, and/or landscaping around any stormwater detention/retention basin;
         (g)   Where any open excavation has or will have a depth of ten feet or more and a slope of more than 30 degrees, there shall be substantial fence, approved by the Borough Council, with suitable gates where necessary, effectively blocking access to the area in which such excavation is or will be located. Such fence shall be located no less than 50 feet from the edge of excavation. All fencing required by this section shall be screened from view of nearby residential uses or residential zoning districts; and
         (h)   View easements: any scenic viewshed potentially impacted by the development;
      (14)   Copy of any information submitted to PennDOT and any correspondence from PennDOT regarding the proposed access to state roads;
      (15)   A list of any modifications or waivers requested to this chapter;
      (16)   A list of any zoning variances, special exceptions, conditional uses or other relief granted by the Borough Zoning Hearing Board or Borough Council. Any relief granted from the zoning ordinance shall be noted on the plan indicating the applicable zoning ordinance section number and the date the relief was granted, and any conditions imposed;
      (17)   If commercial or industrial operations, are proposed, a written description of any proposed commercial, industrial or storage operation in sufficient detail to indicate any noise, glare, smoke, fumes and nuisances to allow a general determination of possible fire or other hazards from the use of toxic or hazardous substances or other public health or safety hazards. Written estimate of the amount, direction and times of truck traffic that is expected shall be provided; and
      (18)   A development schedule stating the approximate date when construction can be expected to begin and be completed.
(Ord. 1-2006, passed 5-8-2006)