The Borough Secretary shall distribute the accepted final plan and supplementary information as follows:
   (A)   To the Secretary of the Borough Planning Commission:
      (1)   One copy of application for review of final plan;
      (2)   One copy of the plan; and
      (3)   One copy of all supplementary data and plans.
   (B)   To the Borough Zoning Officer:
      (1)   One copy of application for review of final plan; and
      (2)   One copy of the plan.
   (C)   To the Borough Engineer:
      (1)   One copy of application for review of final plan;
      (2)   Two copies of the plan; and
      (3)   Two copies of all supplementary data and plans.
   (D)   To the municipal authority, if such exists:
      (1)   Two copies of the plan; and
      (2)   Two copies of all supplementary data and plans.
   (E)   To the County Planning, Commission, in the case of a subdivision submitted under §§ 153.100 through 153.103:
      (1)   One copy of application for review of final plan;
      (2)   The required filing fee and a letter requesting review;
      (3)   Two copies of the plan; and
      (4)   One copy of all supplementary data and plans.
   (F)   To the Borough Sewage Enforcement Officer:
      (1)   Two copies of the plan; and
      (2)   Two copies of any material required by the Sewage Enforcement Officer or State Department of Environmental Protection.
   (G)   To be retained by the Borough Secretary:
      (1)   One copy of the plan;
      (2)   One copy of application for review of final plan; and
      (3)   One copy of all supplementary data and plans.
   (H)   To be retained by the Borough Secretary for use at borough meetings where the final plan will be reviewed: two copies of the plan; and
   (I)   To the Borough Fire Marshal: one copy of the plan.
(Ord. 1-2006, passed 5-8-2006)