(A)   After a preliminary plan has been reviewed by the Borough Planning Commission and the comments of the Planning Commission regarding the plan have been forwarded to the Borough Council, the plan shall be reviewed at one or more regularly scheduled or special meetings called for that purpose by the Borough Council.
   (B)   (1)   No official action shall be taken by the Borough Council with respect to a preliminary plan until the borough has received the written report of the County Planning Commission, provided the report is received within 30 days from the date the plan was forwarded to the County Planning Commission for review.
      (2)   If such report is not received within 30 days, the Borough Council may proceed to take action on the plan without consideration of comments from the County Planning Commission.
   (C)   Before acting on a preliminary plan, the Borough Council may hold a public hearing thereon after public notice.
   (D)   Within 15 days after the final meeting at which the plan is reviewed, the Borough Secretary shall notify in writing the following of the action taken by the Borough Council regarding the preliminary plan:
      (1)   The Borough Planning Commission;
      (2)   The Borough Engineer;
      (3)   The Borough Zoning Officer;
      (4)   The County Planning Commission;
      (5)   The applicant or his or her agent;
      (6)   The authorized engineer, surveyor or land planner of the applicant;
      (7)   The Borough Sewage Enforcement Officer, if on-site sewage disposal is proposed; and
      (8)   The appropriate municipal authority.
   (E)   When the preliminary plan is not approved as filed, the decision shall specify the defects found in the application and describe the requirements which have not been met and shall, in each case, cite the provisions of this chapter or any applicable ordinance or law relied upon.
   (F)   The Borough Council may approve a preliminary plan subject to conditions acceptable to the applicant, provided that the applicant indicates his or her written acceptance of those conditions to the Borough Council.
   (G)   The approval of a preliminary plan does not authorize the recording of a subdivision or land development plan nor the sale, lease or transfer of lots, nor the construction of dwellings or other buildings or improvements.
(Ord. 1-2006, passed 5-8-2006)