The Borough Secretary shall distribute the plans and supplementary data as follows:
(A) Secretary of the Borough Planning Commission: one copy of the sketch plan, Form 1 (available at the borough offices) and any supplementary data;
(B) County Planning Commission: two copies to the County Planning Commission when requested to do so by the Borough Planning Commission or when required to do so by the County Planning Commission. The plans and supplementary data shall be accompanied by one copy of Form 1 (available at the borough offices), a letter requesting the county’s review and any required filing fee, which shall be paid by the applicant;
(C) Borough Engineer: one copy of the sketch plan, Form 1 (available at the borough offices) and any supplementary data;
(D) Borough Zoning Officer: one copy of the sketch plan, Form 1 (available at the borough offices) and any supplementary data;
(E) Borough Council: one copy of the sketch plan, Form 1 (available at the borough offices) and any supplementary data;
(F) Borough Secretary: two copies of the sketch plan; and
(G) Borough Fire Marshal: one copy of the sketch plan.
(Ord. 1-2006, passed 5-8-2006)