Required Information on the Plans
• Site location
• Static water pressure at the water supply
• Description of water service line, including pipe material and diameter
• Location and size of the water meter
• Hydraulic calculations
• Scaled drawings
• Type of pipe material used for sprinklers
• Details about each type of sprinkler used, including manufacturer, model number, temperature rating, K factor and manufacturer’s spacing requirements
Sprinkler Plan Details
• A block identifying the pipe material, total number of sprinklers and static pressure at water supply.
• Detail illustrating the bracing and mounting methods for each type of sprinkler
• Riser details
• Identification of remote sprinkler which is the hydraulically most remote on the plans
• Dimension lines for plan review to document the correct distances were used in the calculations
• Floor plan showing all exterior and interior walls so the sprinkler coverage can be reviewed
Manufacturer Information
All relevant manufacturers’ information should be submitted along with the plans and calculations
• Data sheets for sprinklers, pipe and fittings to confirm the items are listed for residential sprinklers.
• Manufacturer’s instructions to include installation instructions such as spacing, support, bracing and related information needed to install the items in compliance with the IRC §§ P2904 or NFPA 13D.
Required Inspections
• Pre-concealment inspection
• Final inspection
• Flow test (bucket test)