Section/title and references are to those of the International Plumbing Code, 1997 Edition.
Nature of Amendment or Changes Made
Amended to Read
Nature of Amendment or Changes Made
Amended to Read
101.1 Title
Name of Jurisdiction
Borough of Topton, Berks County, PA.
101.2 Scope
Add to paragraph
Add at end of paragraph: Whenever a dangerous structure proceeding is initiated, the Dangerous Structures Ordinance shall take precedence over the Plumbing Code.
103 Department of Plumbing Inspections
Eliminate “heading”
103.1 General
Delete this section
Substitute: Plumbing Inspection.
Delete “Code Official” and everything after words “chief appointing authority of the jurisdiction”
Substitute: Plumbing Inspector in every instance where words “Code Official” are used.
103.3 Deputy
Eliminate “code official shall have the authority to appoint a deputy code official, other related technical officers, inspectors, and other employees”
Substitute: Borough Council shall appoint and substitute the word “assistant” for “deputy”.
103.4 Restrictions of Employees
Amend section
Add the following prior to the opening line: “Unless approved by Borough Council”.
103.5 Liability
This section is deleted
104.2 Rule Making Authority
Deletion and addition
Delete “code official” and substitute “Borough Council of Topton”.
104.5 Right of Entry
Additions to subsection
End of first paragraph, add the following: Building Inspector shall also have the right of entry at the first suspected illegal discharge, such as from floor drain, sump pump, or any system or combination of systems which mixes ground water and/or stormwater with the sanitary sewer system.
104.7 Notices and Orders
Addition to section
Add to section: Plumbing Inspector has the right to issue stop work orders and cease and desist orders which shall be posted on the premises and removed by the Plumbing Inspector upon correction of any violation.
104.8 Department of Records
Delete this section
Delete part of sentence
Delete words at end of paragraph, “in the files of the Plumbing Inspection Department”.
106.4 Permit Issuance
Addition to subsection
Add at end of paragraph: The person who receives the permit shall prosecute the work with diligence and complete in a timely fashion.
106.4.5 Suspension or revocation of permit
Add to section
Add at end of paragraph: In addition to revoking a permit, the Plumbing Inspector also has the right to issue a stop work order and/or a cease and desist order as well as revoke any certificates or approvals given for occupation of the Premises.
106.5.2 Fee schedule
Delete [jurisdiction to insert appropriate schedule]
Insert: Fee schedule shall be as determined by the Borough Council of Topton from time to time by resolution of the Council.
106.5.3 Fee refunds
Delete this section
108.4 Violation penalties
Delete [specify offense] Delete punishable by a fine of not more than [amount] dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding [number of days] or both such fine and imprisonment.
Substitute for deleted material: Summary offense, punishable by a fine of not less than $100.00 or more than $1,000.00.
108.5 Stop work orders
Delete [amount]
Substitute: Shall be liable to a fine of not less than $100.00 or more than $1,000.00.
109 Means of appeal
Delete each and every section and subsection of Section 109.
Replace existing Section 109 with following: Interpretation - Any request for interpretation of the Plumbing Inspector’s interpretation, rulings and the like shall be taken before the Borough Council of the Borough of Topton under the procedure set forth in the Local Agency Law.
301.6 Prohibited locations
Delete entire subsection
305.6 Freezing
Add sentence to end of paragraph
Add to end of paragraph: Water service pipe shall be installed not less than thirty-six (36") inches deep.
305.6.1 Sewer Depth
Add number to fill in blank
First sentence reads as follows: Building sewer that connect to private sewage disposal system shall be a minimum of thirty-six (36") inches below finished grade.
309 Floodproofing
Delete entire section and subsections
Substitute the following: Any work in the floodplain shall be governed by the Floodplain Ordinance of the Borough of Topton, approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
313 Licensing of Plumbers
Add section
Since the Borough does not license plumbers, to work as a plumber in Topton, a current minimum Journeyman’s license shall be produced from the Borough of Kutztown, City of Reading, City of Allentown, or any municipality with a comparable test of plumbing knowledge and skills.
603.2 Separation of Water and Building Sewer/Drain
Amended to read as follows
Water service pipe and the building sewer shall be separated by ten (10') feet of undisturbed or compacted earth. The required separation distance shall not apply where the bottom of the water service pipe within ten (10') of the sewer is a minimum of 18" above the top of the highest point of the sewer.
703.1 Building Sewer Pipe Near Water Service
Paragraph is amended to read: Where the building sewer is installed within ten (10') of the water service, as provided for in Section 603.2, the building sewer pipe shall conform to the standards listed in Table 702.3.
703.2 Drainage Pipe in Filled Ground
Paragraph is amended to read: Where building sewer or building drain is installed or filled on unstable ground, the drainage pipe shall conform to the standards listed in Table 702.3.
712.5 Ordinance 329
Add paragraph
Section 8 of Ord. 329 - Prohibited Wastes remains in force and effect and any provisions in Section 712 and subsections thereof which are contrary to Section 8 of Ord. 329 are deleted and any interpretation of Section 712 and subsections thereof which contradicts any section or provision of Section 8 of Ord. 329 is null and void.
801.1 Scope
Add to paragraph
Section 8 of Ord. 329 - Prohibited Wastes remains in force and effect and no part of Chapter 8 Indirect/Special Waste shall be interpreted to the contrary.
904.1 Roof Extensions
First paragraph is amended to read: All open vent pipes that extend through a roof shall be terminated at least 12" above the roof.
1002.6 Building Traps
Paragraph is amended by changing the first sentence, as follows: Building (house) traps shall be installed in all building sewers. The last sentence is amended to read: Such relief vent or fresh air intake shall be carried above grade and terminated with an adjustable box and mushroom cap.
1101.2 Where Required
The first sentence is amended to read as follows: All roofs, paved areas, yards, courts and courtyards shall drain into a separate storm sewer system or an approved place of disposal.
1104.2 Combining Storm with Sanitary Drainage
The first sentence of Section 1104.2 Combining Storm with Sanitary Drainage is amended to read, as follows: The sanitary and storm drainage systems of a structure shall be entirely separate.
1108 Combined Sanitary and Storm System
Section 1108 Combined Sanitary and Storm System is deleted.
1111.2 Building Sub-Drains
This section shall be amended to include the word “storm” to describe the drainage system.
(Ord. 3-98, passed 10-12-1998)