Borough Council will continue its evaluation and updating of this chapter.
(A) Accordingly, there shall be compiled and informally reported to Borough Council through effective channels (such as the normal monthly distribution by the Borough Manager and Borough Secretary, to each Council member, the Mayor and the Borough Solicitor of noteworthy material) all exceptional cases hereunder of reasonable necessity, the notices of school and other activities, the Mayor’s special permits and the Mayor’s regulations hereinbefore authorized, and the Mayor’s advisory opinions, for consideration by the appropriate committee and by Borough Council in further updating and continuing evaluation of this chapter.
(B) For the same reasons, as well as for the implementation beyond these legal aspects of the basic purposes hereof, the Mayor and relevant committees of Borough Council through their respective chairpersons in coordinated efforts shall work with existing, and may organize voluntary groups, and shall stimulate volunteer leadership, in programs dealing constructively with juvenile delinquency, and the prevention, control or containment thereof, and with the working of this chapter.
(Ord. 6-2004, passed 9-13-2004)