§ 53.59 TAPPING FEE.
   (A)   A tapping fee as that term is defined by the Act of Assembly 2003-57 for the privilege of connecting an economic unit located in the borough to the public wastewater treatment and collection system is hereby established and imposed in the amount of $3,500, as follows:
      (1)   Connection fee: actual cost;
      (2)   Customer facilities fee: actual cost, customer is required to arrange, have constructed and pay the cost directly to an independent contractor subject to the work being inspected by the borough; and
      (3)   Tapping fee:
         (a)   Capacity part: $1,400;
         (b)   Distribution part: $2,100;
         (c)   Special part: no charge;
         (d)   Reimbursement part: no charge; and
         (e)   Total tapping fee: $3,500.
   (B)   Said tapping fee shall be paid by written application to the borough and a receipt issued therefore prior to the issuance of a permit for the work.
(Ord. 5-1992, passed 7-27-1992; Ord. 4-2000, passed 7-10-2000; Ord. 4-2005, passed 6-27-2005; Ord. 5-2005, passed 6-27-2005)